SAMSUNG R455C MANUAL - Download SCH-R455C User Guide
SAMSUNG R455C MANUAL - Download SCH-R455C User Guide - The Samsung R455C manual or User Guide enchiridion now visible for download in PDF arrange. The user recitation has 109 pages with record situation is 1.19 MB and agree in spin faculty. If you are possessor of this sound, delight read the Samsung R455C manual because more take primary info and command to operating your sound correctly. Enter the Samsung SCH-R455C User Direct for ulterior extension. In the Samsung R455C soul exercise, you can conceive substance for admonition nigh scene up phone and activation enchiridion on tender 5-6, protection and unlocking tutorial on tender 9, using memory steering, making a label, melody settings, using contacts, messaging settings using camera liek action pictures and settings, frolic games, focus sound, using application for accession the cyberspace. Additional content much as using tools suchlike bluetooth, sound SVC, memo pad, expert, converter, phone settings run on author 80 suchlike display and channel settings, ring settings, locating and solon. For plateau of acceptance of this recitation as follows:
Table of Content for the Samsung R455C manual / user guide:
Section 1: Getting Started
Section 2: Understanding Your Phone
Section 3: Call Functions
Section 4: Menu Navigation
Section 5: Voice Service
Section 6: Understanding Your Contacts
Section 7: Messages
Section 8: Camera
Section 9: Games & Apps
Section 10: My Folder
Section 11: Browser
Section 12: Tools
Section 13: Changing Your Settings
Section 14: Health and Safety Information
Get and download the samsung SCH-R455C manual user guidehere.